Body Image

The vast majority of us are never happy with what we have - my hair is too thin, too thick, too straight or too curly. My nose is too big, too small or too wide. My lips are too thin or too thick. My bum is too big or too small. I’m too fat, too thin, I don’t like my skin. The list is endless. And then when we hit midlife the whole game ups its ante as our bodies begin another transition and no longer do what they used to do or respond the way we are accustomed to.  Hormones change causing our bodies and emotions to change in so many unexpected ways it can be overwhelming. Body image can begin to negatively impact your everyday life.

There are several aspects related to body image:

  • The way you see yourself. This is your perception of how you look, which can be real or imagined.

  • The way you feel about the way you look. How your perception is impacting your emotions, how does it make you feel? For example if you had to stand naked or semi-naked in front of a full length mirror looking at your body, what emotions would you feel? Happy, unhappy, disgusted, depressed, guilt, shame?

  • The thoughts and beliefs you feel about your body. In other words what you believe about your body. Perhaps you have a limiting belief such as ‘All the women/men in our family are big/thin, tall/short, so I may as well just accept it’. True, there may be genetics involved at some level however, your belief will limit you, stop you from addressing and changing the issue.

  • The things you do in relation to the way you look. How often have you put on an outfit , looked in the mirror and thought ‘I cannot wear this it makes me look …’? Perhaps you choose to only wear a certain colour or style or take part in certain activities because your perception, your limiting belief about your body image is a negative one.

Personally I have run the gambit of all of the above. My personal journey with my own body image has been rocky at best however, I have reached a point where I now feel comfortable in this body. I have reached a point where I love my body. Do I ever still look at myself and think any of these four points? Hell yeah! And then the compassionate, true self holds up a mirror to those lies and limiting beliefs allowing the positive body image and self-love to flow unhindered.

If you have found yourself nodding inwardly to any of the issues raised here, I would be very happy to help you move forward to embrace a healthy positive body image. Just imagine how liberating that would feel.